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A large number of rare earth upstream firm discontinuedPublished??2012??10??18??
At 9:00 on October 16th, Ganzhou gold Airport. Jiangxi is the managing director of a rare earth separation Liu and his family are waiting. Unlike in the past, this time, Liu plane not for negotiations, not to work, it is purely to want to go out with his family revolution, Liu admitted that since 2002 engaged in the rare earth industry, no how have a good rest, "the market is so bad now, this winter is a hard time."

On this day, the concept of rare earth permanent magnet plate since September 27 943.183 points in the recent period once again hit a new low - to close at 967.748 points, a slight decrease of four points over the previous day's 971.791 points . Stock in this concept of plate 25, in addition to the suspension of East China Technology, only nine gains across the board, the remaining 15 stocks are in a downward trend, the largest decline for Galaxy magnet, a decrease of 3.12%, the average of each stock fell 0.63 yuan.

In an interview with Die Zeit reporter currently throughout the rare earth industry decline, the Investment Advisor in the metallurgical industry researcher Yuan Zhibin evaluation said rare earth industry development has been to enter the a bottleneck, the most significant problem is the structural imbalance, excess capacity, prices plummeted low profitability of the business.

A large number of rare earth upstream firm discontinued

"Play." Lin, general manager of Ganzhou an anonymity rare earth company with such a word summed up the state of life of their own this time, "all work stopped."

Forest force companies engaged in the deep processing of rare earth mining and separation, the main products are the rare earth oxides, opened in 2001. In August 2012, the company to rectify the rare earth market, integration of rare earth resources in Ganzhou mergers and reorganizations, my company after the merger has been converted into a trading company, but the market is bad now trading companies do not do. "

Lin Li said, before it has been selling the remaining stock of their own company, but more lower selling price, angrily, he stopped all work, "not to sell, nor customers, anyway, are loss, just wait and see. '

"No way to stop the chanting. Ganzhou one did not disclose the names of rare earth company boss told Die Zeit reporter, a lot of mining, smelting separation processing enterprises are discontinued or is significantly reduced," we are very pessimistic. wait here, "the boss said," a few months, no customers, no orders, but also how to do? "

Analysts believe that a large number of discontinued SMEs cut fully show that the rare earth industry now has to unprofitable situations, from the industry point of view, it is not a bad thing, he said, many companies forced market pressure will limit production, because we are at full capacity, the price will definitely continue to decline, so companies have to learn self-control, "a way actually mentioning the production also protect themselves."

Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, School of Economics and Management, Professor Wu a small agree with the point of view of the analysts, he said it was his understanding that enterprises are more rare earth mining discontinued. Discontinued for some SMEs, cut a small Wu that this is not a bad thing, he said that from the perspective of the development of the future, large enterprises and groups more strength, environmental protection technical reserves better talent funding advantage " technical advantages, research and development strengths, talent advantage, the enterprise financial advantage to stand out in a competitive process, is a good thing for the industry as a whole. "

Yuan Zhibin claimed, by the shrinking downstream demand, cut, cut, some enterprises even shutting down factories and mines, and exit the field of rare earth rare earth upstream industry will be a large area, this phenomenon is a microcosm of the overall downturn of the rare earth industry, in full compliance market expectations. "

In fact, in the reporter's interview in Die Zeit, in the rare earth industry bosses used is "wait and see" words, Longsheng, Ganzhou Rare Earth Materials Co., Ltd. corporate Du sound Long also waiting, he said he heavy losses, so he can only wait and see, he said the boss around are waiting and watching, everyone together every day will study market conditions, the market wants to see what time to recover. For the loss, he did not hide, he bluntly earn the best of times in the last year, prices of more than ten million "this year, at the moment they have all now lost a night return to the beginning." Phone Du sound dragon still very optimistic, but he also acknowledged that you are going to could not carry.

Prices fell market behavior

Taojiang County, Hunan Nonferrous Metal Materials Co., manager of the ancient the end of last year to exit the rare earth industry, "Anyway, do not do bad to do now." Ku said he has not thought what to do other jobs, so has been resting at home, he did not want to talk about yourself from the rare earth industry, but repeatedly stressed, can not go on. He said he does not intend to in the future and then continue to do the rare earth, has no concern to the industry so from last year, "do not do, concern has no meaning." Despite more than a decade, but he does not feel pity, " can not go on, do not do it. "

Yuan Zhibin said, in this market environment, the majority of rare earth enterprises have passed the cut discontinued and other measures to achieve self-help, it is clear that the results are unsatisfactory, the rare earth price slump since the end of last year, there are few signs of stabilization and recovery of rare earth enterprises short-term within the turnaround is not yet a reality. "

When enterprises have ceased production, falling prices become the norm, is not only rare earth SMEs impatient boss. In 2011, even though China was by virtue of supply monopoly advantage in the industrial policy with the introduction of intensive, six months, most of the rare earth raw material prices appear dozens of times or. However, due to the impact of China's rare earth industry, congenital defects and external supply, since the second half of 2011, the price of rare earth materials more than 60% of the decline. The data show that the October 16, the latest price of neodymium oxide 377 000 -38.7 million / ton, compared with the beginning of August to 755,000 yuan / ton, down nearly half.

Wu Yiding years of research experience of rare earth prices continued to fall and the early rare earth stir very close relationship: "The price decline reflects the relationship between supply and demand of rare earth, after all, the price is determined by market supply and demand both the decision."

In September, the Baotou Steel Rare Earth, Xiamen Tungsten rare earth company announced half-year results report sharply lower prices of various products of rare earth, rare earth company's semi-annual report is also less than ideal. Due to weak downstream demand, the 2012 Xiamen Tungsten semi-annual report data show that the first half the company achieved operating income of 4.529 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 9.01%; achieve a total profit of 6.13 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 20.05%.

Baotou Steel Rare Earth 2012 semi-annual data is displayed, the first half the company achieved sales revenue of 6.297 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 5.32%; achieved operating profit of 2.412 billion yuan, a year-on-year decline of 37.82%; attributable to shareholders of listed companies net profit of 1.57 billion yuan , down 20.60%; basic earnings per share of 0.65 yuan, this figure than in the last semi-annual report earnings per share of 0.82 yuan less.

Previously, attend a forum, Zhang Zhong, general manager of Baotou Steel Rare Earth, has publicly said that the rare earth industry is a special industry it special is that, in the past, many people feel that the rare earth industry, particularly resource advantages, "In fact, we resource advantage in the final analysis is the advantage of low-cost resources, not completely scarce resource advantages.

The relevant departments should introduce regulatory provisions

Lin force say that they now see this market in more than a decade of work on rare earth industry, "last year, rose the most powerful, I think to be dropped, but I did not expect is all the way down, and no warmer signs. "

Wu seems a small market downturn before due to a variety of factors such as policies, speculation, rare earth prices rose significantly, which also led to a series of follow-up questions - the price is too high, the demand for upstream and downstream enterprises in reducing "A lot of companies are using alternatives, in order to reduce the amount of rare earth, which caused many companies to hoard a large number of rare earth." Wu Yiding that now belongs to the rare earth stocks slowly release stage, adequate supply, prices will inevitably decline, the price now is whether the bottom is not clear, we are waiting and watching. "

Qilu Securities analyst Yan Lei in a media interview, he predicted that, due to the impact of the rare earth prices skyrocketing in 2011, faster than overseas rare earth mines began to restart, capacity release some more than domestic expectations. Status of rare earth resources in the country will have a strong impact in the next three years. Chinese rare earth smelting global market share will decline from 95% in 2010 to 63% in 2015, the absolute number or to decline from 120,000 tons to 9.3 million tons.

Actually cut, cut, in some small and medium enterprises to start self-help, the government is also in full swing in the implementation of response measures, but also want to maintain corporate and national interests through the integration of existing rare earth resources.

In 2011, to promote the sustained and healthy development of rare earth industry, the State Council promulgated the "Opinions" "1-2 years, the top three in Southern ionic rare earth industry enterprise group industry concentration to reach more than 80%. For a time, the southern provinces to maintain rare earth resources in the province, have accelerated the pace of the formation of the province's rare earth integration platform.

Recently, Hunan announced that it will integrate the provincial rare earth resources, the establishment of Hunan Rare Earth Industry Group Co., Ltd., which is following the Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Jiangxi, and an upcoming establishment of Rare Earth Group provinces. In addition, government purchasing and storage operations are launched one after another, Jiangxi, Yunnan, recently has introduced purchasing and storage policy, the State Reserve Bureau purchasing and storage of heavy rare earth, although the purchasing and storage plan is the delay of the light rare earth elements did not take place, but the short-term there are still introduced possible. The related agency believes that this makes tungsten, indium, rare earth, and copper and other metal prices boost related species listed companies, especially the cloud, Gan is also expected to benefit from.

On October 9, the National Natural Science Foundation of China announced in 2012 three emergency research projects - "China's rare earth strategy development and export industry regulation policy research", the national study of the rare earth industry experts set up in December this year, research group, to next year September to come up with the appropriate research, "This is to provide for the introduction of national policies and regulations appropriate basis." Wu said a small.

Yuan Zhibin also recommended that local governments, businesses, trade associations should unite, introduce relevant to enter rules, to encourage mergers and acquisitions of large and medium-sized enterprises to small mines, as soon as possible to achieve the elimination of backward production capacity, excess capacity purposes, the relevant state departments also should be the introduction of regulatory provisions, the focus leading enterprises in order to monitor the rare earth and rare earth exploration rights, mining rights for centralized allocation to avoid substandard qualifications SMEs blind participation, and thus protect the rare earth industry, long-term and stable development. "
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