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To promote industrial restructuring and upgrading of rare earthPublished??2011??12??19??

With the rapid economic growth, the rare earth industry is facing growing demand and limited resources, scarcity will be more striking. Effective solution to the outstanding contradictions, Ganzhou Rare Earth Industry to promote the accelerated transformation and upgrading, to achieve sustainable development, we must do the following two aspects.

Actively seek policy support, helping the government build a development platform. First of all, to promote the country's rare earth industry, tax reform, tax collection and management of rare earth standards. Promote the conservation of the charges on the implementation of "tax reform", the existing fees and charges in accordance with a dozen mineral resource protection and environmental protection in both directions, respectively, resource tax and environmental taxes included; through the central and provincial fiscal transfers payment, on the rare earth resources in the mining process in the county to pay the cost of resources and environmental costs and make the appropriate compensation; active use of tax incentives to encourage and support the development of rare earth industry. Second, the implementation of personnel training project, to build product development and information sharing platform. Funded by corporate and government-funded combination, relying on universities, research institutes and other educational resources to carry out professional training for the rare earth industry of industrial technology transfer of qualified personnel; development of rare earth spot trading market, creating the first home of rare earth products electronic trading platform, providing spot trading, financial agent, logistics, e-commerce services, and comprehensive publishing market analysis, supply and demand analysis, price trends, logistics and import and export information. Again, for fiscal policy and financial support. Actively seek the provincial government to combat the illegal exploitation of special rectification activities, support the elimination of backward production capacity of rare earth separation and other special funds to support technological innovation, interest-free funds for the provincial government to speed up the construction of rare earth industrial park; positive declaration of state of rare earth new materials industry, new-type industrialization demonstration base for the State in the industrial layout, industrial upgrading, technological innovation, funding arrangements, the focus of support.

Improve the development and application capabilities to build the South leading rare earth companies. Actively promote the rare earth industry consolidation and reorganization, the formation of large enterprise-oriented industrial structure, accelerate the promotion of rare earth industrial transformation and upgrading of the most effective way. Ganzhou should use their own resources, and actively introduce strategic investors with core technologies in support of rare earth mining companies through acquisition, merger, reorganization, listing big and strong efforts to create a set of mining, smelting, processing, application, trade, scientific research in one of the leading enterprises in the south of rare earth. First, a sound system of resource exploration, promoting the integration of rare earth resources. Vigorously seek and take advantage of state funding for land resources survey, the central and provincial mineral resources, central government subsidies and government investigation of rare earth resources survey of special funds, and by controlling the total production of rare earth products flow, speed up the chain extension and other rare earth promote the integration of rare earth resources, efforts to Ganzhou into the country and the world's rare earth mining, development, processing and trade center. Second, to promote corporate restructuring of rare earth, rare earth to build large-scale enterprises. Industry concentration, the higher the price, the stronger bargaining. Ganzhou Rare Earth Industry should further increase the integration of efforts, and ultimately by the local key enterprises in control of rare earth resources; through the development of industry policy, such as improve industry access threshold, the small-scale, high energy consumption, pollution, low levels of rare earth technology enterprises closed down or integrated into the enterprise to meet the requirements; through the introduction of strategic investors, led the reorganization of rare earth enterprise restructuring, and finally embarked on the road group. Third, to encourage innovation, improve product value. International pricing in order to master the earth, only a large number of mineral resources is not enough, more importantly, has a rare earth core technology patent, application market and product standards. Local party committees and governments should actively guide, promote the introduction of rare earth industry, technological innovation incentives, such as the introduction of rare earth deep-processing of raw materials supply business application preferences, etc.; as soon as possible to formulate a unified policy of the rare earth industrial investment, especially to support the rare-earth magnetic materials and permanent magnet motor industry, light industry, and new light-emitting materials, rare earth ceramic industry, development of special policies; set up a special fund of rare earth industry, research and development platform for rare earth and rare earth products, purchasing and storage, technology research and development.

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