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Rare earth permanent magnet market has gradually opened up spacePublished??2011??11??17??

Since last year, the economic fundamentals for a good lead, rare earth permanent magnet upstream of the industry continued strong demand for raw materials. However, from the wind turbine manufacturers, LED manufacturers and other aspects of rare earth permanent magnet materials company recently came the news that, in the end consumer appetite, and rare earth elements of the dual price spike, the current downstream of getting goods manufacturers will lower the overall , rare earth permanent magnet materials industry in the fourth quarter of orders is not an ideal start.

But Morgan Securities related report pointed out that with the rare earth industry-related policies have been issued, the price will return the value of rare earth, and this trend will not be reversed. Meanwhile, with the national development strategy of new industries, new materials industry, "second Five-Year" development plan and related policies to further support start upstream of rare earth permanent magnet material opens a huge demand for space.

Downstream industry needs temporary setback

Wind power is a rare earth permanent magnet motor downstream of the important raw materials, direct drive motor as in July the highest price of raw materials NdFeB beginning of the year rose more than six times, a direct result of a number of wind turbine manufacturer discontinued or reduced procurement the amount. Insiders pointed out that, although permanent in November dropped the price of raw materials 30%, but contrast this year only 300 yuan for each blower small price increases, businesses still can not afford. The fourth quarter will wind power business of getting goods continued to decline, has also been confirmed by some manufacturers.

Insiders also said that compared to the wind power industry, demand for rare earth permanent magnet materials other two large air conditioning appliance and automotive industries have a certain rigidity of demand, but by the degree of decline in overall industry impact the economy, many companies are still reluctant to getting goods .

In fact, this year, the upstream and middle reaches of the rare earth rare earth permanent magnet materials price rises and falls, contributing to the downstream industry to buy or not buy up the state of mind. Since July, and oxides of rare earth products in the business of selling goods store from various quarters, the prices have continuously declined, but still in the early compared to the overall high level. Huatai Securities, pointed out that the overall supply is more abundant in the current case, although the rare earth separating enterprises to stop production response to prices, but has not yet appeared stabilized short-term momentum, and downstream in order to buy or not buy or deal with, is a typical upstream and downstream game process.

According to reports, the industry is currently ranked the top 20 of the rare earth separating enterprises have full suspension, while intended to prevent the prices continue to fall, the other is waiting for the environmental protection department of the industry in check. According to a recent number of ministries jointly issued "on the rare earth production order to carry out the national special rectification action," which will continue until the end of the year cut-off. But the industry believes that the current market supply of rare earth oxides are more abundant and is expected to end of this year, the downstream demand will tail market.
Experts pointed out that the rare earth permanent magnet radiation downstream wide decline in orders is a reflection of macroeconomic cyclical fluctuations, the amount of rare earth industry, for the small but very important, so there is some support.

Return value of the rare-earth price

February 16 this year, the State Council executive session, and strive with 5 years or so, the formation of reasonable development, orderly production, efficient use of advanced technology and intensive development pattern of sustained and healthy development of rare earth industry, such as four-point measures, the industry known as "State 4." May 19, the State Council issued "on the promotion of sustainable and healthy development of rare earth industry, a number of opinions", the industry known as the "National 22."

Chase Securities of the relevant report pointed out that the rare earth industry "State 4" and "State 22" The promulgation of a direct role is to make rare-earth prices rose sharply, while some manufacturers and traders "cover mine reluctant sellers" of the composition included, there are certain rare-earth prices artificially high. Today, the price of rare earth from the highs, which are basically in line with the industry's original expectations, the return value, and return the value of the large rare-earth price trend will be irreversible.

Current, complete industry production plans and to meet mandatory environmental inspection resources and smelting separation is the most important enterprises, the relevant ministries in an orderly manner to the "State 22" with the implementation, the main producing areas of north and south two rare-earth-related enterprises be adjusted accordingly.

Mid-May, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Government Office issued the "upper reaches of Inner Mongolia Rare Earth out of business integration program of work", there were altogether 35 companies were included in the range of rare earth out of the upstream business integration, the work scheduled from early 2011 to the end of June has not yet completed the integration phase. Currently, relevant departments are in accordance with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology policies and other six ministries, the integration out of the original program revised and improved.

The end of August, Jiangxi Ganzhou issued "issued in 2011 on the city's tungsten, rare earth mining quota of total control," which urged measures with seven tungsten, rare earth resources and orderly development and sustainable use. Documents, Ganzhou, Jiangxi Provincial Department according to previously issued a mandatory plan for this year's production of tungsten and rare earth ore mining index the decomposition.
According to reports, six ministries will soon implement a new rare earth invoices regulations. This is equivalent to the earth into the national franchise system, once put into the market, the rare earth industry, private digging Luancai phenomenon will be further reduced. Total control of rare earth industry to continue, return value is the price trend.

Morgan Securities analysts believe the price of rare earth return value is the trend, dropped back to the original prices may not exist. But early or too large, and return on the value of the largest rare-earth policy (cap) has a finished, the next key is implementation. Stimulate demand for functional materials, policy is still, but the amount of the increase will not be too rapid, rising power shortage.

Benefit from new industrial development strategy

Rare-earth prices return value policy effect has been received, then, the policy relevance point to develop applications. September 7, 2011, the State Council issued "," second five "comprehensive energy conservation program," refined "second five" Plan to determine the energy-saving emission reduction targets, a clear strategy to support emerging industries, rare earth permanent magnet direct benefit.

To achieve the "five-second" period of emission reduction targets, adjust and optimize industrial structure is imperative, this "solution" proposed in five areas of policy measures. Large metal as high energy consumption, high emissions and overcapacity industry pressure, and the new energy in the energy consumption structure makes equipment to improve the proportion of new materials with the benefit of metal, strategic emerging industries accounted for in the national economy is clearly written into the measures, we see that the state's degree of attention, metal, new materials benefit significantly. On the strengthening of energy conservation management, "options" eight aspects of requirements, including three more obvious and non-ferrous industry-related, and further reflects the "program" of non-ferrous metal industry, large and small metal, metal, new materials have to maintain pressure. Large energy saving tasks facing the metal is still heavy, and whether public transport or private car of new energy vehicles is more significantly influenced by the strong support, especially rare earth permanent magnet the more obvious benefits.

New materials industry development opportunities

According to reports, the "new materials industry," second five "development planning" forthcoming, then all the details of the industry development objectives will be clear, rare earth permanent magnet industry development goals or to reveal its Lushan face.

In early September, the new materials industry will adhere to the five principles of the relevant content seen in the newspapers, namely: to adhere to market-oriented, developing new materials to promote the use and market development; increase the original innovation, and strive to make breakthroughs in the development of new materials core technology and key equipment and increase the capability of independent innovation of new materials; accelerate the development of high technology, industrial base is good, the market potential of key new materials; strengthen coordination to promote and strengthen convergence and downstream industries, promote industrial upgrading materials; go low carbon environmental protection, energy efficient, safe and sustainable cycle of development.

Among them, "accelerate the development of high technology, industrial base is good, the market potential of key new materials" and "go low carbon, energy efficient, safe and sustainable path of development cycle," fully applicable to the rare earth permanent magnet, and the rare earth permanent magnet industry capacity for independent innovation is the industry's premier. This is consistent with one of the further development of rare earth permanent magnet industry expectations, policy stability and continuity are obvious.

September 7, 2011 the application of rare earth new materials also reported on the exchange at the metal industry, new materials related to information: "Twelve Five" period, China's total output value of new materials industry is expected to reach 2 trillion yuan, an average annual growth rate of more than 25%. By 2020, new material industry has become a leading industry in the national economy. As of the end of 2010, China's new materials industry reached 6,500 billion yuan, compared with 2005, average annual growth of 20%.

Insiders pointed out that the emerging strategic industries "second five" development ideas, the key to self-sufficiency rate of new materials to give a quantitative requirement, making it more clear market space. In the development of ideas, called for 2015, breaking a number of urgent need for national construction, to lead the future development of common technologies, new materials, critical self-sufficiency rate to 70%.

Support further expand the policy or

According to reports, issued by the State Council, the Ministry led the development of "energy-saving and new energy vehicle development plan (2011 - 2020)" will also be introduced. Industry experts believe battery technology in the future to solve the bottleneck, the "planning" or trillions will be leveraging the new energy automobile market "leverage."

It has been revealed, the forthcoming "planning" standard energy consumption of the car is very strict. This means that 2015 may, in addition to low-emission gasoline vehicles, all vehicle prices most of the products must be mixed vehicles or electric vehicles to meet the objectives and requirements. Industry experts believe that, "planning" The introduction of electric cars and plug-in hybrid market will be the areas of greatest benefit. "Planning" the draft said that by 2015 plug-in electric and hybrid vehicles over total sales amounted to 500,000 in 2020 is 10 times the level of the market in 2015, which will form a new scale trillion energy vehicle market.

New energy automobile market is the largest rare earth permanent magnet a downstream demand is the most anticipated one. Development of new energy automotive industry is the country's strategic objectives established, I believe that with the "energy-saving and new energy vehicle development plan (2011 - 2020)," The introduction of new energy vehicles will be gradually entered a rapid development track. In terms of rare earth permanent magnet industry, on the one hand, the policy indirectly supports the other hand, a huge market space increasingly clear.

ZheJiang DongYang Strong Electron Co., Ltd

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