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Limiting the production of rare earth, NdFeB is popular nowPublished??2011??09??01??

Since the beginning of 2011, the main rare-earth prices rose more than 5 times.

As a major country of rare earth reserves, China's strategic resources for the rare-earth re-understanding, through a long process.

In the technological power, the context of economic restructuring, the state on the one hand limit the export of rare earth, rare earth new materials and encourage the application of rare earth products rapidly. As an important part of magnetic material, NdFeB Magnets Magnets have become a mainstream high-end products. China NdFeB industry accounted for more than 80 percent of global output, output value of more than 60%.

With the rising prices of rare earth NdFeB open market prices were simultaneously on the rise. NdFeB manufacturers now shifted virtually 100% of the cost pressures, and become beneficiaries of the industrial chain.

In the "energy saving, emission reduction," the background, wind power, new energy vehicles and energy-saving appliances and other industries developed rapidly, directly stimulating the NdFeB products. In the long-term bullish price under the premise of rare earth NdFeB manufacturers are optimistic about the same cost transfer ability.

Changes in supply and demand on the downstream

So far, China rare earth industry has experienced nearly 50 years of development. Since 1985, China began to implement the export tax rebate policy of rare earth products, to 1998. Implementation of China's rare earth export quota license system, and the rare earth raw materials included in the processing trade ban catalog, and even in 2000, China began to implement the rare earth mining quotas, reflecting the national strategic resource for the rare-earth re-understanding.

In order to reflect its important strategic position, completely changed the export of cheap products from the beginning of 2007, the state of the earth by the guidance to adjust production plans as mandatory. After 2005, intensive introduction of rare-earth management policies, especially into 2011 since the beginning of "rare earth industry emission standards" to "the State Council on the promotion of sustainable and healthy development of rare earth industry, a number of opinions", the Government's strong rare earth industry consolidation chaos.

Accordance with the "State Council on the promotion of sustainable and healthy development of rare earth industry, a number of opinions," according to limit the "two high" export related policies, strictly control the total amount of rare earth mining and production at the same time, strict control of rare earth metals, oxides, salts classes and export of primary products such as rare earth alloy, the exploration, production, consumption and export restrictions should be implemented simultaneously. Overall consideration of domestic resources and production, consumption and international market conditions, reasonably determine the total annual export quota of rare earth.

RE as an important strategic resource, increasingly national attention. Based on sustainable and healthy development of rare earth industry to consider the State Council issued a document in May this year, a clear industry development goals, that is 1-2 years, set up a standardized and orderly development of rare earth resources, separation and smelting market circulation order, disorderly exploitation of resources, production effectively curb the blind expansion, etc., the basic form to large enterprises as the leading pattern of rare earth industry. Improve the management of rare earth mandatory production plans, the establishment of reserves of rare earth resources, to develop application of rare earth industry.

Limited production in the industry, the context of export restrictions, the domestic rare earth bend of a larger production system, the price was the explosive growth potential. Since the beginning of the main rare-earth prices rose more than 5 times.

In the technological power, the context of economic restructuring, the state on the one hand limit the export of rare earth, rare earth new materials and encourage the application of rare earth products rapidly. System to promote technical progress of domestic rare earth materials, the State Department released in October 2010 "on accelerating the development of new industries and development of strategic decision" clearly rare earth functional materials to develop new materials, rare earth functional materials to a strategic height.

As an important part of magnetic material, NdFeB has high energy product, high coercivity, high remanence and other features, has become a mainstream high-end product magnetic materials.

China's high performance NdFeB nearly a decade, showed rapid growth trend. The global proportion, China has more than 80% of world production, and the output value of 60%. Europe, whether from production or output point of view, are only 1% -2%. Japan as China's largest exporter of rare earth, rare-earth policy on China's sharp correction, it will speed up the transfer to China Rare Earth downstream capacity. Coupled with the formulation patent expires in 2014 one after another, China's rare earth materials industry, especially high-end rapid development of rare earth industry will be an inevitable trend.

NdFeB cost components, including material costs, energy costs and a small amount of labor costs. Among them, the proportion of material costs in total costs 70% -80%.

The composition of the material costs, including neodymium, praseodymium neodymium, dysprosium and other rare earth metals or rare earth iron alloy proportion than 90%.

With the rising prices of rare earth, and its impact on the cost of NdFeB increasingly prominent.

Transfer capabilities continue to increase prices

Since 2011, prices rose sharply since the rare-earth, NdFeB open market price was rising as the basic trend. This correlation shows that, so far, nearly 100% NdFeB manufacturers shift the cost pressures. 100% able to pass on to downstream clients for the following reasons:

1) in terms of product features, rare earth permanent magnet with high remanence, high coercivity, high energy product features, in performance than other existing magnetic materials. Permanent magnet also has advantages of high energy density, so that the instrumentation, electro-acoustic motors, magnetic separation equipment, magnetic and other small, lightweight, thin as possible. 2) the trend from the application point of view, rare earth permanent magnet in its core areas of irreplaceable. Although still the largest amount of ferrite magnetic materials, NdFeB magnets, but the output value in 2000 than ferrite magnetic materials. In a variety of strong electric fields, NdFeB is still irreplaceable. 3) From the manufacturers point of view, relatively high concentration of neodymium iron boron manufacturers. The full description of their orders not because of lower demand and price changes has been shrinking.

There are three potential changes in the price of rare earth, at different price movements, its price and its supply and demand for NdFeB may have the following effects.

First, prices continue to climb and a new high during the year. Based on this judge, NdFeB manufacturers may 1) continue to take the high inventory policy. 2) According to match a corresponding increase in the cost of shipping prices. 3) the financial impact, help to improve revenue and gross margin related to business. However, the possible negative impacts that 1) some of the downstream industry, enterprises are likely to continue upward pressure on prices can not afford, do not rule out reducing the scale of procurement consideration. 2) Some companies may shift to cost-sensitive ferrite magnetics technology system developed to replace the NdFeB.

Second, the price to fall short, but still higher than the average price of two quarters, and to maintain long-term upward trend. Based on this judge, NdFeB vendors may 1) short-term due to lower stock price adjustment to reduce the company's inventory of rare earth impact. 2) because of the long-term bullish price, manufacturers will continue to expand production capacity to meet the needs of new applications downstream. 3) the financial impact, short-term revenue and gross margin remained relatively stable. This kind of situation may affect the magnetic material downstream procurement progress, but not long-term change in the pattern of rare earth permanent magnet downstream applications mainstream.

Third, the price fell sharply in the current basis, the average price down to the following two seasons. Then 1) the risk of impairment of assets exists NdFeB manufacturers. 2) The customer may NdFeB material price fluctuations and reduce the huge inventory. 3) NdFeB manufacturers will suffer short-term financial, revenue and gross margins are affected.

Continued to enlarge the space for emerging applications

VCM, mobile phones, consumer electronics for the NdFeB traditional market demand. Among them, only the TDK one of its annual demand NdFeB close to 4,000 tons. As the world's largest mobile phone production base, domestic demand for mobile high-performance NdFeB steadily rising trend. 2010 domestic production of 998 million mobile phones, the demand for high-performance NdFeB 2500 tons. Including DVD players and CD-ROM drive, including consumer electronics, high-performance NdFeB annual demand of more than 1,500 tons.

NdFeB addition to widely used, including mobile phones, PC, stereo and other traditional areas of electronic information, new energy, new energy-saving environmental protection and other fields are also made rapid progress. In the "energy saving, emission reduction," the background, wind power, new energy vehicles and energy-saving appliances and other industries developed rapidly, but also directly stimulating NdFeB products.

Wind power as a clean sustainable energy is becoming a lot of national energy strategies for sustainable development an important part. According to the Global Wind Energy Council statistics, the development of global wind power industry average annual growth of 28%. View from the wind turbine technology, direct-drive permanent magnet wind turbine for power generation, high efficiency, long life, high stability, simple structure, etc., become important wind energy technology development. Accordance with the "five-second" new 2011-2015 plan will exceed the total installed capacity of 250 million kilowatts. If 50% of direct-drive permanent magnet wind generator, the corresponding number of 75,000 new units, the use of NdFeB materials to more than 75,000 tons.

As the world increasingly strict environmental protection measures, new energy vehicles for its energy saving features are of widespread concern. Chinese authorities began in 2009 in some areas of new energy vehicle demonstration and extension work. In this context, the domestic hybrid vehicles into the stage of rapid development.

According to a third party estimates, five-second period, the total domestic new hybrid vehicles will be more than 8 million. Each hybrid car motor with high performance NdFeB about 5KG estimates, the 2014 high-performance hybrid car demand will reach 7500 tons NdFeB.

In home appliances, air conditioning for the high proportion of energy-consuming products. Inverter air conditioner penetration in developed countries is very high. Inverter air conditioner in Japan, the ratio of its total air conditioner up to 97%. Although the Chinese air-conditioning output exceeded 100 million units, but the inverter air conditioner output was only 24 million units. Frequency inverter air conditioner in the rare earth permanent magnet motor accounts for about 50%.

Inverter air conditioner with the national standards for the improvement and impose the next five years, China inverter air conditioner will maintain a 30% compound growth rate.

Elevator equipment for the high-rise building one of the largest energy. China has become the world's largest elevator manufacturing base, the largest elevator market and the world's second largest elevator ownership countries. Use energy-saving permanent magnet synchronous traction machine elevator will lift the industry's future development direction.

In addition, rare earth permanent magnet materials in the medical, robotics, CNC machine tools and other areas there are a lot of demand. With NdFeB components = points expire patent in 2014, the overseas market will become an important market for manufacturers of magnetic materials.

ZheJiang DongYang Strong Electron Co., Ltd

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