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The development and innovation of China magnetic industry enterprises Published??2011??08??30??

First. Introduction

Second, how to understand the innovation

Third, innovation-driven industries and enterprises sustained and healthy development of magnetic

1, the magnetic industry significance and importance of innovation

From a global point of view, the current magnetic materials industry in China, moving from large to strong development process, China as an emerging developing countries, the continuous development of technology to improve at the same time, the cost basis in the international market with strong international competition advantage; the other hand, the huge domestic market for the application of magnetic materials industry, China has a strong support, high-end products has gradually increased the proportion of market share and, on the whole, China's magnetic industry in good shape, there is still a great future space and the market.

On the other hand, we should see global and China's domestic energy supply, supply of resources, significant changes in labor costs as well as domestic and international market environment, the changing magnetic industry leading Chinese production management problems at the same time, the domestic industry, magnetic with intense domestic competition, will make China the industry and enterprise development of magnetic faced with many fluctuations and uncertainty. Therefore, the implementation of innovation and development in the industry, the concept and philosophy, strategy development, business management, enterprise systems, the overall implementation of innovation is the enterprise to improve system efficiency, an important foundation for healthy and sustainable development, is extremely important. Future business competition will be innovation competition, only through continuous business innovation, in order to remain invincible in the competition.

2, how to understand the innovative enterprise

China from the current magnetic sectors, innovation requires that we not only attach importance to the current resource conditions, basic conditions, economic and technological strength, market conditions, more importantly, from the magnetic sector and the industry long-term development perspective, attention capacity for sustained development and motivation, in nurturing the development of our business and competitive source of power to work on.

Energy innovation is the key to innovation, it can effectively stimulate innovation, innovation and resources to rejuvenate, to obtain high efficiency and high efficiency. And innovative vigor of the most relevant institutional mechanisms, including institutional arrangements, leadership, innovation culture, innovation, innovation policy environment. With a good system and environment, even if the current lack of innovative capacity, but can attract the best creative talents together to gather resources for innovation advantage, and convert it into innovation and strength.

3, magnetic sector enterprises to improve business innovation

1) magnetic sector enterprises to improve the conditions for innovation

Innovation, you can start from each person, can I start. Innovation is not the business leaders and a few people do, not technical patents. Generate innovation in business management, research, production and operation of the market the whole process, everyone has the opportunity to the enterprise, may also be innovators. The key is the company's innovation system and environment, to give every person has passion for innovation.

2) How to improve China's industries and enterprises of innovative magnetic

(1) magnetic sector research institutions to improve the innovative capacity

At present, professional (main) and engaged in the (non-main) magnetic materials research and development and production of research institutes in more than 60 scientific research institutions (not including those involving magnetic materials and research and teaching more than 20 college hospital school), specializing in magnetic materials with a comprehensive research and development and production of magnetic materials integrated Institute - China Southwest Institute of Applied Magnetics, represented, including many parts of the country involved in the production of magnetic materials research and development and functional materials Institution, Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Institute of colored steel Research Institute, in the magnetic functional materials research and application development has a tremendous ability and potential to undertake a national multi-project engineering and civil defense projects focused product development and production in China Magnetic technology industry, an important support industry development.

I visited an inspection tour of some of the research units, have some experience and feelings, of how scientific research institutions in the magnetic industry to improve innovation capacity, promote innovation and development to offer some observations.

First, strengthen and guide the development of innovative market-oriented philosophy

Existing magnetic sector retains a lot of scientific research institutions in the concept of the planned economy era, and believe that they have a boss, military'm yours, market awareness is poor, less initiative, did not realize the potential of the market changes and strong market competition, the development of enterprises can not be far-sighted planning, serious waste of resources, high administrative costs. So should completely abandon the traditional concept of planned economy, pragmatic, innovative guide to establish and strengthen development and market-oriented philosophy.

Second, establish and improve innovation management system

Guide the development of innovative and market-oriented concept, innovation and institutional systems to strengthen the unit's construction, development incentives, creating a favorable environment for innovation, attention and play the role of creative talent, attention to the creative talents and develop creative talents.

Third, attach importance to the development of innovative strategies

Only scientific research institutions of scientific research into productivity in order to produce benefits, the research institutions should stand on a high degree of innovation and the development of strategic development plan of the unit, change the mode of the original research behind closed doors, let the facts speak, and to strengthen the frontier and foreign Development and application of industry competitors and market intelligence studies, market demand for traction, in a dynamic operating mechanism, staff stability, a harmony of workers under the guarantee, combined with active plants, combined research and production, and timely technology advantage of the service through high quality products to meet market demand and ultimately reflect the benefits of up to promote military and civilian, trade and coordinated development; in the effort to strengthen and expand the main business at the same time, give full play and the use of surplus resources of the unit, a variety of industry-based business, maximize manpower, material and financial resources, land, technology, market, policy, resource utilization, to further improve management efficiency and ensure long-term strategic objectives of this unit the ultimate realization; research institutions in technical expertise to strive to lead, to maintain military superiority, striving for a strong civilian in the industry, we should strive to be leading.

Fourth, the optimal allocation of resources to make good use of the system

At present, the majority of funding for scientific research institutions in full or partial financial support by the state, precipitation over the years a lot of money into the country, tooling and test equipment, test equipment business platform is relatively much better, are more business people with a complete, research-based conditions were better, but every year a number of projects in the State financial support. But the future trend will be financial self-sufficiency system transition, combining scientific research but also with productivity, so play to their strengths, integration and configuration make good use of resources, improve management efficiency and resource utilization is particularly important. Over the years, scientific research institutions due to the long in the "eat yellow food" and eating "iron rice bowl" state, limited by the institutions and mechanisms, staff a sense of crisis and innovation is not strong, the department bloated, waste of resources, staffing, uneven distribution of more common, can do things, like a lot of people did not drive no chance, less work and not doing a lot of people income, employee initiative, enthusiasm, responsibility and efficiency is not high. So also in this state of scientific research institutions in the future survival is very risky to change this state, we must fully understand their own resources and advantages of the deployment of the unit under the guidance of the strategic development, planning, integration and optimization of resource allocation, play system resources, particularly research institutions of human resources and technological advantages. The development of scientific research institutions related to the unit's strategic planning and management, administration, staff management, resource management and research conditions, scientific research, research management, administration and financial management, production management, market management, and so many departments in all aspects of the innovation in each sector and part of the management and operation of process and the process for each job there. Employees is to create effective execution, everyone has their own strengths and abilities, how to develop an effective management system, will Zequan Li and job and rewards, to increase the transparency of policies and institutions, to create a good working environment and culture to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of each employee to improve employee awareness of the director Weng, enhance employee sense of accomplishment and pride, and stimulate their awareness of independent innovation, to change the passive work, employees will be bound only by the discipline in the office and staff did not want to do things or nothing to the state, improve efficiency and market competitiveness, the importance of this unit must be innovative management issues.

(2) magnetic sector listed companies on how to further enhance the innovation capability

At present, professional and related magnetic materials in about 40 listed companies, including a variety of soft magnetic materials and magnetic materials, magnetic materials: such as the steel Tianyuan, Jien Nickel Industry, Baosteel, Jinrui Technology, Baotou Rare Earth, Dongci Group, days Holdings, Ningbo Yunsheng, North mine Magnets, magnets Galaxy, Kening Da, Zhong Ke San Huan, Advanced Technology, Tianjin Binhai Development, Fenghua Hi-tech and so the magnetic influence of the industry medium-sized enterprises.

Overall, magnetic materials listed companies due to financial strength strong stock market in the management of business operations in accordance with the standard management, product research and development and technological innovation have a greater attention and investment in all aspects of management and the relative place, encouraging mechanisms and corporate culture can be a better expression, but relatively well-known foreign enterprises, Chinese enterprises still have a certain gap between the awareness of independent innovation, IPR protection awareness of self is not in place, trademarks, brand awareness to be further enhanced .

On the other hand, the management of listed companies and other reasons, some of the company's decision-making process is relatively cumbersome decision-making process takes longer, on the external market and demand response slow, affecting the decisions of the execution and results, I work in association with Some listed companies in our industry, the contact process on the deep. Must be a clear division of duties in the circumstances, the appropriate decomposition of the power, the standard management of listed companies under the premise should be a breakthrough in the management and innovation in ensuring the scientific decision-making, accuracy and correctness of the premise to further improve the decision-making efficiency.

(3) small and medium private enterprises to enhance innovation capability

At present, China engaged in the production of magnetic materials research and development and operation of more than 1,000 enterprises, the proportion of state-owned enterprises have less than 5%, and eventually transformed into joint stock or private entity. Because the magnetic system of state-owned enterprises to run existing environment and infrastructure - the planned economy era no longer exists, the existing system of state-owned enterprises have been unable to meet production and business development of the market, so innovation, restructuring is inevitable way to go.

Currently, small and medium private enterprises in China accounted for about research and development and production of magnetic materials 80% of enterprises, the future development of Chinese industry, the backbone of the magnetic, business innovation and development of space and great potential.

Taken together, the magnetic sector in the current global market environment, and enhancing our ability to innovate magnetic sector should be mainly small and medium enterprises from the enterprise innovation and long-term development planning, management and institutional innovation, technological innovation, business model and brand innovation, four aspects. These four aspects are mutually independent and are intrinsically linked. Innovative long-term development planning determines the starting point for business development, product positioning, market orientation, operating mode and much more, management innovation is the healthy operation of the system structure and system to ensure that technological innovation is a powerful tool for business survival and development, is to maintain and enhance the competitiveness of the base, business model and brand innovation is to achieve the ultimate benefit of protection.

First, focus on business innovation and long-term development planning

Business planning and long-term development project from innovation performance in the enterprise, should fully research magnetic products in the market, policy environment, resource conditions, a comprehensive assessment of their strengths, pinpoint a good grasp of the best time to enter the magnetic materials industry, well-developed phased business development plan. I did a lot of projects from the point of view, because high-performance magnetic materials are state-sponsored high-tech new materials industry, construction and development planning in most business projects, the good use of national and local policy support, the bank successfully achieved credit, made at a lower cost of land resources, but in the sources of raw materials, resources, labor, power, technology and marketing support for the lack of long-term assessment and planning, it is a good project, there are good opportunities, but often leads to Project start is slow, business development can not be completed in phases as planned target, which requires companies in the development project would make far-sighted, innovative planning. Of course, there are a few companies in this situation when the project should take no thought of the industry bigger and stronger, but the first in support of policy loans and land in the said ... ...

I received many magnetic materials on the project to the units and individuals, many of them are better because I heard that magnetic items, or how many understand that there are many companies really qualified, but some also do not have the conditions want to go. Here, in line with the industry responsible for the business purpose and responsible attitude, I reiterate, a broad magnetic materials market is a combination of labor-intensive and technology industry, the future direction of development will be technology-based industries, there is a market on competition, investment funds are not the only magnetic materials, magnetic materials is a complete system engineering, there is no innovation, no management, technology, resources, market and other factors constitute the comprehensive advantages, it is best not to invest blindly.

Second, strengthening management and institutional innovation

Management and system innovation is the main innovation in enterprise systems management, management model is based on the pragmatic manager to design a set of specific management philosophy, management, content, management tools, management procedures, management systems and management methodology system, and repeatedly applied to enterprises so that enterprises in the running process to comply with the rules consciously. "Management" by the "management philosophy", "system architecture" and "How-to" form.

Management model is the company's organization and resources allocation rules, the company's competitiveness are clear. China from the current concept of magnetic materials industry, the level of SME management point of view, the management of some companies is quite extensive, quick success, to focus only on immediate interests, the concept of management is not very great importance, not to corporate management a more clear and effective guidance . From the system architecture point of view, some companies have no clear hierarchy and structure, sometimes resulting in the management of blind and cross, resulting in a decline in business efficiency. In the method of operation, some companies are not very standardized. This allows management to become China's magnetic materials industry in the international competitiveness of enterprises to participate in the larger constraints.

For our magnetic sector enterprises, institutional innovation embodied in the company's organizational structure and relationship of innovative, creative goal is to make the company among the various stakeholders to form a checks and balances to ensure internal stability and harmony, a higher cohesion, to achieve dominance in the market.

Third, the long-term development focus on technological innovation

Magnetic materials industry, technological innovation is the enterprise through the material, device and application technology research investment, to acquire new science and technology, materials and production processes and production methods to the development of new magnetic and magnetic application products, processes, It is the magnetic core and foundation of innovation, is an inexhaustible motive force for sustainable development business.

Magnetic materials for our small and medium private enterprises, technology is relatively backward scientific and technological innovation needs to be strengthened. Most of the competitiveness of enterprises is not in this respect, but rather the resources and labor costs, so the domestic market, industry competition magnetic materials often engendered fierce price competition, especially in the economic situation is bad, the application of more serious when the lack of market demand. In the future, technological innovation to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises showing an increasingly important role, more and more attention. Magnetic materials industry-leading companies are often advantages of the enterprises with advanced technology, and more on technological innovation as the importance to maintain competitiveness.

China magnetic sector enterprises currently relatively low level of technology and technological innovation capacity, and determine the future of technological innovation on the competitiveness of our industries and enterprises in the magnetic effect is the largest scientific and technological innovation is vast. At the operational level, introduction of technology (including the introduction of technical personnel, critical equipment and processes), the introduction of international and some mature technologies to improve and innovate, to avoid duplication of technology development, shorten the development cycle, more quickly to improve our private small and medium industries and enterprises in the technology of magnetic level, closer to the international advanced level, and then developed the world's advanced level of technology, promote scientific and technological level of China's magnetic materials industry as a whole to improve.

In the promotion of technological innovation at the same time, it should be noted that technological innovation is a double-edged sword, technological innovation and R & D investment is not necessarily proportional, but also a certain risk, the results of scientific and technological innovation but also through market approval before effective. In addition, if the results of scientific and technological innovation more easily copied by imitation, therefore, can not be blind to technological innovation, but also results-oriented protection and continuous innovation to keep updated.

Fourth, pay full attention to the innovative business model and brand

New economic development to the present, the business model is an important competitiveness factor. At present, the business model of innovation is still relatively small. As part of the micro-enterprise innovation, business model innovation results reflect the value and effectiveness of enterprise, it is of great significance.

Global economy is undergoing changes in the magnetic materials industry, including, raw minerals, raw materials, magnetic materials, parts, components, machine applications, including magnetic chain are constantly broken down, dismantling, reconstruction, integration even intertwined with other related industries, penetration, which is bound to put forward the original business model innovation. Meanwhile, the emergence of the Internet on traditional business models and challenges, but also for new business models to provide opportunities. In such conditions, the initiative to adjust and design new business models of companies, it may be in the new economy more successful.

Brand strategy, corporate facilities, magnetic materials, in a globalized market competition plays an important role. Brand at home and abroad is to improve China's independent innovation capacity of magnetic industry an important part. Each brand is unique, innovative companies and long-term development planning, management and institutional innovation, technological innovation, business model innovation will promote the cultivation of the brand and innovation, but also a collection of successful brand innovation and enlarge the effectiveness of other innovative companies and value for enterprises to create more room for growth. Meanwhile, the brand is protected by the law of corporate assets, represents the intellectual property rights, therefore, how to create a customer trust, brand loyalty, create their own brands to enhance the innovation capability of enterprises is an important objective and measurable criteria.

IV Conclusion

Innovation is the soul of a nation, but also a corporate soul. Practice has proved that successful companies will be personalized, dynamic features of the innovative company, is able to create unique products and unique mode of operation of the enterprise.

China magnetic materials industry application market will be the future direction of short, light to the components, high performance, high reliability, high adaptability to the development of magnetic materials made of the same high performance and high reliability, high adaptability requirements, so the next magnetic The annual growth rate of total material will not be a big improvement, chip-based, thin-film products will have great opportunities for development; the other hand, the sharp rise in raw materials, rising labor costs, will facilitate automated tooling equipment to further spread and growth, companies will continue to reduce labor, improve the technological content of products, extensive mode of development to a certain cost and simple survival of the company's future competitive advantage will be increasing pressure, therefore, only through enterprise systems innovation, in order to improve resource utilization, improve management efficiency, promote technological innovation, increase the value of enterprise products, enhance the overall competitiveness and create high added value and benefits, to form China magnetic sound development of industries and enterprises as a whole the situation and promote China magnetic materials industry from large to strong development.

ZheJiang DongYang Strong Electron Co., Ltd

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